Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Is Collage Innovative or Just Garbage Collecting?

Collage is considered by some to be the most innovative form of art of this century. Found objects, chance creations, ready-mades- abolish separation between life and art. The common place is miraculously seen. Found objects can take on a beauty unrelated to their original purpose and a decorative or editorial aspect emerges. Torn and dried leaves, scraps of old letters or notes, broken bits of cheap jewelry and packing materials are all elements of a collage that work toward a statement made by the artist. The chance creations come about when different elements and layers of colors are put together in seemingly random ways. Beautiful accidents occur. Ready-made art, in the form of scrap book materials, photos, stamps and any number of things are also part of collage and work with all the other things to make a finished piece that is really just an impression of millions of impressions.