Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Learning while I teach

I have recently finish teaching a workshop at Brio Fine Art Center in Scottsdale, Arizona and find that I learn as much as I teach. While trying to give my students involved instructions on how to layer various media for interesting effects I discover that I don't have all the processes down perfectly and they have more questions than I have answers. They remind me of being a child and asking, well what if this... or what if that.... I think there are always more questions than answers.

I remembered the old study rules which are read, write, recite and saw that they apply, in a sense, to artistic growth. The students read about techniques or watch demonstrations, then they are asked to try it themselves while they write down each step they do. This combination seems to do the best job, in my opinion, of cementing things in their heads. That process usually makes it possible to try the layers on other projects and remember the steps. If they forget something, they alway have their sample board to refer to. Getting back to how it helps me-I have a mini review every time I teach and each student tries things in such unique ways that I then have even more ways to combine media!